January 2025

The Psychgeist of Pop Culture: Destiny

Play Story Press is excited to release The Psychgeist of Pop Culture: Destiny, edited by Jared N. Kilmer, PhD Destiny and Destiny 2 are online first-person shooter video games developed by Bungie Studios. The Destiny franchise has provided a live-service experience for nearly a decade, reflective of its quality gameplay and narrative, critical acclaim, and passionate playerbase. In this volume of The Psychgeist of Pop Culture, we will explore psychological concepts relating to the lore, game design, and culture of Destiny, with a focus on understanding and showcasing why it is one of the most influential and best-selling first-person shooters of all time. "The Psychgeist of...

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Schell Games – First Founding Society Member

Play Story Press™ is an open community publishing consortium. As a diamond open-access academic publishing initiative, our contributors and readers are not charged fees, and financial donations from individuals and organizations help us achieve our mission. Supporters who donate $3000 and above join the Play Story Press Society. We're excited to share that Schell Games, one of the most innovative full-service game developers in the US, is our first founding society member. Their generous philanthropic contribution supports the open development and dissemination of knowledge that has a positive impact. We're an independent non-profit organization powered by input and involvement from...

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Toward a Ludic Architecture

Play Story Press is excited to release Toward a Ludic Architecture: The Space of Play and Games, by Steffen P. Walz. Toward a Ludic Architecture is a pioneering publication, architecturally framing play and games as human practices in and of space. Filling the gap in literature, Steffen P. Walz considers game design theory and practice alongside architectural theory and practice, asking: how are play and games architected? What kind of architecture do they produce and in what way does architecture program play and games? What kind of architecture could be produced by playing and gameplaying? Toward a Ludic Architecture: The Space...

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