Well Played
Theories of Well Played
Volume 2 Number 2
John Sharp
(Initially released in September, 2013)
John Sharp
Inhabiting Games Well (If not Uncomfortably...)
Casey O’Donnell
Critical Literacy: Game Criticism for Game Developers
Yotam Haimberg
Well-played and well-debated: Understanding perspective in contested affinity spaces
Sean Duncan
On justification: WoW, EQ2 and Aion forums
Thibault Philippette, Baptiste Campion
Why we Glitch: process, meaning and pleasure in the discovery, documentation, sharing and use
of videogame exploits
Alan Meades
ISSN 2164-344X (Print)
ISSN 2164-3458 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17613/g285f-b8r29