Well Played
Analog Games
Volume 7 Number 1
Ira Fay
(Initially released in February, 2018)
Ira Fay
Distribution, Deckbuilding, and Design in Star Wars: The Card Game
Nick Bestor
No Time to Waste: Kairos in T.I.M.E Stories
Sven Dwulecki
Seeing but not observing with Sherlock Holmes the Consulting Detective
Tapani N. Joelsson
Why should I play to win if I can pay to win? Economic inequality and its influence on the experience of non-digital games
Patrick Maisenhölder
Stacking Magic: The Flexible Simplicity of Analog Rules
Eric Murnane & Kenton Howard
Sketchventor: Evolving Ideations by Design
Anthony Pellicone, Kathryn Kaczmarek Frew, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Derek Hansen, Skylar Hoffman, & Kari Kraus
From a Board Game to a Drinking Game: One Biography of the Finnish Board Game Kimble
Lilli Sihvonen
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game: A Machine That Generates Possible Worlds
Michał Żmuda
ISSN 2164-344X (Print)
ISSN 2164-3458 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17613/9f8ys-xj229