Well Played V7 N2: Meaningful Play and Games for Social and Emotional Learning

Well Played V7 N2: Meaningful Play and Games for Social and Emotional Learning

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Well Played
Meaningful Play and Games for Social and Emotional Learning
Volume 7 Number 2
Susan E. Rivers and Heidi McDonald

iThrive Games Founder’s Letter
Dorothy N. Batten

Introduction to the Special Issue: Thriving Through Gameplay
Susan E. Rivers

Prosocial Religion and Games: Lost & Found
Owen Gottlieb and Ian Schreiber

Skazka: Exploring Empathy Through Cooperative Mechanics and Narrative
Sarah A. Abraham

GUIDE and Dangerous Play: An Empathetic Game About Coping and Resilience
Rebecca Goodine, Jade A. Yhap, and Jeffrey T. Mundee

Butterfly Lovers: Design Rationale of a Cooperative Virtual Reality Game for Promoting Compassion in Multigenerational Families
Jessica Cheng, Sydney Rubin, Christina Lelon, Xian Lu, Jeffrey Doan, Patrick Bender, Ashley Yu-Chih, Brenda Chen, Nathan Lim, Gabrielle Kanellos, Kelsey Rice, Maryalice Jordan-Marsh, & Marientina Gotsis

Kisima Inŋitchuŋa (Never Alone) As Cultural Survivance: The Potential of Video Games to Support Indigenous Well-being
Jennifer C. Stone

Beyond Empathy: Games to Foster Teens’ Social and Emotional Skills
Kelli N. Dunlap & Susan E. Rivers

ISSN 2164-344X (Print)
ISSN 2164-3458 (Online)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17613/rn9y5-a5c48

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