For Authors

Play Story Press™ is an open community publishing consortium of/by/for the field and our community. It is a diamond open-access academic publishing initiative in which contributors retain all their intellectual property. We work with our contributors in as timely a manner as possible so that we can share ideas that have impact and significance in our society.

We publish academic and nonfiction trade books, singles, textbooks, academic journals, and conference proceedings that focus on issues revolving around entertainment technologies as they are applied across a variety of fields.

Our authors come from a range of fields. Some are traditional academics. Some are practitioners. And some work somewhere in between. Their ability to write about the impact of play and story and their significance in society is what ties them all together.

We publish both e-books and paperback versions of each project, and since we’re an open-access publishing house, we also make a free PDF version available through Knowledge Common’s repository.

To distinguish our books, Play Story Press has five imprints:

  • Play Story Press: traditional academic and peer-reviewed and research-based publications, textbooks:, academic journals, conference proceedings, and games;
  • Play Story Press: Single: short “Why it matters” books that are roughly 8,000-25,000 words, short “why it matters” books that give authors a chance to take academic research, practical case studies, or conference talks and bring them to a wider audience. The ideal single is written by an expert who has an idea they want to explain but who isn’t interested in a book-length project;
  • Play Story Press: Signature: special projects, trade non-fiction books, and other curated works that exemplify the best work being done;
  • Play Story Press: Report: white papers and reports are produced by practitioners or academic researchers working in conjunction with partners, case studies and market research conducted in order to understand the impact in a particular field; and
  • Play Story Press: Student: work with undergraduate and graduate students to teach them how to produce high-quality work
  • Play Story Press: Play Story Edition: along with our imprints, new publications of previously released work related to stories and play.

Interested in working with the Play Story Press

Before you decide if you want to publish with Play Story Press, you should read the Frequently Asked Questions, which outline how we operate and how we are different than a traditional press.

If you have a book project, you should read the proposal guidelines, singles proposal guidelines and style guidelines, which outline what we need to determine whether we’re a good match. Since we’re a small operation, we typically respond within 1-2 weeks. We are 100% un-agented, which means we work directly with authors.

You can also email Play Story Press editors if you’d like to talk about your project before you get too far down the road. We want to make sure that we are the right fit for your project.